Beer Can Museum & Beer Can Hall of Fame!

Images from the Museum

Beer Can Hall of Fame - Featured Cans!
Beer Cans in Literature and Film
Publicity , Quotes, and Awards!
Breweriana Images
Beer Can Museum Pictures cont... !
Angler's Den! (fish pics)
Newly Acquired pieces
Humble beginnings....and "Thank You's"
Images from the Museum
Beer Can History - plus links!
Contacting the Curator about beer can values, etc.


Above are some of the hundreds of coasters (or Vilts as they say in the Netherlands) found in the museum!

Falstaff Mug - acquired in Greune, Texas
contributed by Scott Logan



Cat in needlepoint; Actual size=180 pixels wide

ABOVE, some breweriana from the East Wing. Ballantine salt and pepper shakers are a personal favorite!!! The Michelob 'can' is full of golf balls. The Lowenbrau stein was discovered at a church yard sale, and the Yuengling foam can wrap came from my visit to the Yuengling brewery in Tampa.


Above left, some great Stroh's Mario Lemieux cans. Below that, some LITE cans from throughout the years with a conetop visible on the far left (Gleuks Crowntainer). Above, a themed Nascar exhibit, in the South wing of the museum. The only time I recommend combining beer with fast cars...not usually a good combo.

Below..ID required to see the adults only area of the museum...!



another can from the Sports wing of the museum...Pittsburgh Pirates can from Iron City Brewing, Pittsburgh. (ooooh, scary!)

you'll see this conetop at the ETBCM!

The Harvard Ale can is a local favorite!