Ginger Beer bottle circa 1910 |
With thanks to Jim Boyd, Raynham, MA |
Many great new microbrew cans arriving daily! |

So many great designs! |
Many thanks to Ken Carpenter for his contribution, below right, of a can of 'Hell Bier", acquired
in Italy, Fall 2006.

for fans of the 70's |

classic crocheted hats at the museum |
Thanks to Larry Alterman for some great Asian currents, received in March 2005!
Thanks to Paul Hilton and his family for a fantastic new (inscribed even) Beer Memorabilia book, presented
to the curator at ETBCMfest 2003!
Thanks to Margie and Mark Vincent for a great new Olympia 7 oz. mini can - donated at Museumfest
Beer Can Biplane Makes Landing! |


The museum prides itself on exhibiting
a wide selection of breweriana from around the world. The year 2005 has been a banner year for our acquisitions department!
Thanks to Laura Scott
for stealing that great Illini Beer can (circa 1981) from brother Brett's room (see picture above!). Does Brett know about
this felony Laura? The last thing the museum needs is a lawsuit!
On June 11, 2001, the museum
added a new 'Coasters Round the World' piece to the collection. This beautifully framed, 11 by 14, selection of classic coasters
from around the globe is located to the left of Big Mouth Billy Bass!
In July 2001 we added a Guinness
Bar Towel donated by Laura Sinton. This great addition to the collection came all the way from Ireland and the brewery itself.
Thanks, Laura! (Update: October 2001- Laura and husband Josh (congrats!) just returned from their honeymoon. In between
romancing and bungee jumping (I'm serious here!) they found time to sample some local beer from cans up on Vancouver Island.
In 2003 a new pub towel from the Montreal Beer Museum was hung from the rafters to join the Guinness Towel! It's starting
to look look the old Boston Garden in here!
Thanks go out once again to Marc Bakker in the Netherlands (there, it's
fixed, are you flooping happy Marc?!), for fantastic contributions of placemats and vilts from the Netherlands! Also
a great deck of cards received Christmas 2004!
2002-Peter Loucks of Austin donated
some great Texas commemorative cans, Tom Brannlund sent a great box of Swedish cans, and Paul Hilton gave the curator a fine
Schlitz beer mug/lamp, which now lights a cozy corner of the museum.
In 2004 Frederick Pope donated
some fine breweriana including cans, tray, signs, and more! Thanks!
2005 has brought many new additions
already- including a new DVD/TV combo on which the classic beer commercials DVD runs during tours! Good times indeed.
Thanks to Scott Logan for this great addition! |

Check back for frequent updates to the Collection!! And THANKS for stopping by!!! And Please NEVER, drink
and drive! Ever.... Business Cards are IN! E-mail me if you'd like one. Thanks to vistaprint.com for the free printing!
Summer 2001
Andes can from Cara McKay (my boss, so I had BETTER mention it!)
Czech and Latvian cans from Johnny and Anita Bevelheimer! Great Budweiser coaster from the 'other' Budweiser brewery in Czech
Republic! Also..a great full (now half empty) can of extra strong DUTCH lager which had me seeing double on my deck last night.
I had 28 neighborhood kids in my yard instead of just 14!
October 2001
2 great new bottle openers from Marco Bakker in the Netherlands! Can from Great Britain from Ken Carpenter and Maire Gorman.
2 cans from Vancouver Island from Laura Williams and husband Josh.
Budweiser stein (1985 holiday limited edition!) from Dave-bo Maberry
If I've forgotten you, let me know!! Donations have been coming in fast and furious lately and if I've forgotten to mention
yours it's not intentional!!
Faux Marble display (formerly a Chris Vanallsburg book display) now displaying cans and trays in the East Wing. I drove in
to Boston at 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning just to transport this thing home in the Taurus wagon!
Nov. 2001: Great box of Japanese and Thai cans from Larry Alterman, just back from the Far East! Hope you enjoyed the elephant
ride in the jungle Larry. The museum appreciates teh bottom opened cans...all fourteen of them!
Jan. 2002.
Mardi Gras beads from Lisa Disarro, fast becoming the museum's New Orleans link due to her frequent trips (literally down
Bourbon Street!) to N'Awlins. Thanks as well to Jim Dupont for the Beers Round the World Poster!
March 2002...
Fitzgerald Pale Ale Crowntainer (from the collection of the late Israel
Marks) as well as several dozen wonderful cans donated by the Shinas of Framingham, Massachusetts. Many thanks to them
for their generosity.
July 2002...
Schlitz lamp rescued from a neighbor's trash by Paul Hilton. Numerous
donations from our boys overseas (thanks, Clint!) and some great Greek cans and bottles from Nancy Maguire!
Dec. 2002...
Box of Australian cans from Larry Alterman. Box of Texas themed cans
from Pete Loucks. Giant Heineken bottle from Larry Mallach. Coasters and jug from Dave Kay, Dayton, OH.
Feb. 2003...
Castle Lager bottle from South Africa. Duvel Belgian bottle. (Jim McKay)
Box of great Texas themed cans from Peter Loucks in Austin, TX. (included
some fun Safeway soda cans for the soft drink can wing!)
Summer/Fall 2003
Saratoga horseracing themed mirror from Schenectedy, NY restaurant
once owned by Lisa D's father! It looks great on the bar. 2 great Colorado bottles brought back by Jim Armstrong,
a friend of the ETBCBM!
2004 - Suzanne Cope brings us a great German beer glass which she found at a German flea
market! A huge donation of cans and breweriana from Fred Pope of Norton, Mass. So much more!
2005- a great Grolsch apron from Museum Friend Marco Bakker! Canadien Molson mini
cans from Dave Maberry. So much more...not enought time in the day to list everything!
2006 - Generous 300 can donation from Mike Pankratz, Worcester, Mass. (Many from the American Can Company including test cans
and irregulars!)
E-mail me if you'd like to contribute to our fine collection! Smallest item in the collection: a Strohs 'can' bought
from a dollhouse vendor in Boston two years ago. The can is approx 8 millimeters tall and can be viewed with a magnifying
glass!! Largest item: A Rolling Rock 'can' (trash can) given to me by my lovely wife a couple of Christmases ago!!
Thanks again, honey!